Sunday, February 20, 2011

Max Allen on #realbeer in The Weekend Australian 19/2/2011

Max Allen has just written a brilliant piece in The Weekend Australian about the #brewedunderlicence movement.

To view the article click here:

To read about his taste comparison with #realbeer and #Ozbrewed click here:


  1. Hi Anthony,
    Saw the article in the Australian and it struck a chord. I miss imported Stella, my favourite beer. I'm outraged, I say!
    The locally brewed clone just doesn't taste quite right. I'd very much like to know where I can get the imported brew as it's vanished from the local environment.
    Congratulations on the publicity. Sign me up for the campaign.

  2. Glad its getting more press. This is an outrage.
    Few year back I emailed Lion (or CUB ?) about Becks. Got the stock-standard reply : "we use the same ingredients, our beer is fresher etc.."
    A good analogy would be French baguettes. If you've ever been to France and had one you'd know that it just does not compare to anything you could buy here - even from a French bakery.

  3. When my local wineshop told me of the change, I was dismayed as Peroni is my favourite drop.
    Immediately after the change, although I did notice a difference, it was not enough to make me stop drinking it.
    However the last slab I bought, the taste is totally different - the closest comparison would be Crown Lager with a light beer metallic aftertaste.
    Upon complaining to my local wineshop I was informed that the original Italian Peroni as well as all the others (Heinekin, Grolsch, Stella etc) that are BUL can be obtained from a company called Kollaras who import a wide variety of beers, wines and spirits.
    My local wineshop has stopped stocking all the BUL's and started obtaining the originals from Kollaras.
    The best thing is that they are cheaper!
    I suggest that everyone does the same and give the multinationals the flick.

  4. I'm now onto Corona as this seems the only one truly imported. I will not support the local versions.
